From the course: Leveraging Cloud-Based Machine Learning on Azure: Real-World Applications

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- Now let's take a look at a finance use case. So again we have input, the model, and output. This time we have transaction data, financial transaction data, and we have fraud data, which is bound to the transactional data. So in other words, which transactions resulted in fraud. Within the model we have patterns of fraud, in the output we have detection and we also have prevention. So how do we go about doing this? Well, keep in mind that we're dealing with data ingestion of the transactional information and we're tagging that with fraudulent data. So, leveraging unsupervised machine learning to in essence, have it view the information in a untagged way so we can tag it with what's fraudulent and what's not. We're automating the ingestion of data and the ability to spot fraud data within the data that's being ingested into the system and typically we have to manipulate the data in a certain way, get it in a…
