From the course: Leveraging Cloud-Based Machine Learning on Azure: Real-World Applications

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- [Instructor] Let's talk about design specifically. So a few tips you can take out of this include. Ultimately, this is how we deal with the instantiation of the requirements. In many instances, design has a tendency to be too tightly coupled with requirements and we're trying to design something with requirements in mind. Even changing requirements to fit a design. These should be completely decoupled. You need to understand that you're dealing with requirements as stand alone, in terms of you feeding specifics into how you're going to design a system. The data needs to be dealt with as well. Both the data that's ingested such as data that's going to change the machine learning engine as well as how it's going to be stored ultimately, and dealing with different schemers and dealing with different data sets is a core function of machine learning. Then designing the learning model itself, you'll notice that Azure…
