From the course: Leveraging Cloud-Based Machine Learning on Azure: Real-World Applications

Intro to AI on Azure

- [Instructor] Welcome to cloud-based machine learning on Microsoft Azure. Nothing has been more life-changing than the use of machine learning and the rise of cloud computing. The cost and efficiency of the cloud makes machine learning cost-effective. Now enterprises big and small are tapping into the power of machine learning and artificial intelligence, allowing them to turn their technology into a force multiplier for winning at business. I'm going to teach this course in a very pragmatic way, leveraging very pragmatic approaches, based on current best practices, and leveraging real machine learning technology you can use in the Microsoft Azure public cloud service today. This won't be another abstract, high-level concept, but a true solutions-oriented course that will teach both the basic concepts of machine learning, and how you can use it today within the Microsoft Azure machine learning service. Hi, my name's Dave Linthicum. I wish you a pleasant journey in learning about the world of machine learning on Microsoft Azure, and what it can do for you and your cloud-enabled enterprise.
