From the course: Leveraging Cloud-Based Machine Learning on Azure: Real-World Applications

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Law enforcement

Law enforcement

- [Instructor] Now let's see how we can apply machine learning base technology to law enforcement. So, again we have inputs, models, and outputs. In this case the input is going to be crime data, which comes into our machine learning base systems, able to model the patterns of crime, or what's occurring, and we're able to determine detection, and also prevention. So, ultimately data comes into the system, and we're leveraging crime data that's gathered from officers in the field, who are in essence interviewing witnesses, logging crime, and dealing with reported incidents of crime. This case we're dealing with supervised machine learning, because the information coming in is going to be tagged. Who reported it, what happened, even details around the amount of money being stolen. Other details around the crime. Able to automate the use of the data, and understand actions to outcomes. The ability to understand which…
