From the course: Android Studio Essential Training

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Set up the Android SDK

Set up the Android SDK

- [Instructor] The first time you open Android Studio after installation, you'll see the Android Studio Setup Wizard. This screen looks pretty much the same on any operating system, and it'll walk you through the steps of configuring and downloading the Android SDK. Click Next on the initial screen, and then you could choose to just use standard settings, or if you want to customize, select this option and click Next. Android Studio is packaged with a copy of the Java Development Kit, or JDK. As of the time of this recording, it was Java 11. If you want to use that version, and I recommend doing that, just accept that setting and click Next. Now you can select a UI Theme. I prefer the light theme, so I'll select it and click Next again. And now I choose what I want to install. This screen will look different depending on what you already have installed on your computer. If you don't already have the Android SDK,…
