From the course: Android Studio Essential Training

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Inspect an app's database contents

Inspect an app's database contents

- [Instructor] As Android Studio has evolved, it keeps on adding new, great tools for inspecting what's going on inside your application at runtime. One of these is called the App Inspector, and I'm going to demonstrate one of its features by creating a new application based on a sample app from Google. From the welcome screen, I'll choose the Options menu, and then choose Import an Android Code Sample. And I'm going to type in room. That's the name of the library for building and managing SQLite databases. I'll choose Architectural Components Basic. I'll click Next and Finish, and that will download the application to my installation of Android Studio. Each of these samples has a markdown file that you can look at to see what it does and how this application is put together. The important thing about this application though, is that it will generate an SQLite database on the Android device, and then we'll use the app…
