From the course: Android Studio Essential Training

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Search for files and code

Search for files and code

- [Instructor] Android Studio gives you many ways of looking for your files. The simplest approach is just to go to the project window and then look for the file there, if you know its location. So for example, my Java or Kotlin files will be under my base package under Java, but there are times when applications get so complex that you have very deeply nested folders, and it can take some time to look for a file that way. So here's a little trick. Press a shift key twice. Notice this is documented on the screen and it's called search everywhere. This dialogue pops up and you can start typing the name of any file in your project. So if I wanted to find a build.gradle file, I'd start typing build and I'd see both build.gradle files, one for the module and one for the project. Then I can click or press enter or return and the file opens. That same dialogue has tabs at the top. You can search by class, by file, by…
