From the course: Android Studio Essential Training

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Create virtual devices for app testing

Create virtual devices for app testing

From the course: Android Studio Essential Training

Create virtual devices for app testing

- [Instructor] To test your Android apps, you'll need an Android device. You can use either physical or virtual devices, and Android Studio will help you set them up and connect them for debugging. Android Studio Bumblebee has a completely rebuilt Device Manager tool window. It replaces the old AVD Manager and is now fully integrated into Android Studio's user interface. But more importantly, it also now supports connecting physical devices. Let's start with virtual devices. This new window appears differently, depending on where you opened it from. On the welcome screen, you can go to the three dot icon and choose Virtual Device Manager. And if you open the window from here, you're only supporting virtual devices. I'll close that and return to the welcome screen and this time, I'll open up an application and then I'll go to the menu and choose View, Tool Windows, and then I'll choose Device Manager. It's…
