From the course: Android Studio Essential Training

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Define and manage build variants

Define and manage build variants

- [Instructor] The Android SDK gives you the ability to create multiple versions of an app, with each version of an app designed for a particular scenario. Now, this is very flexible, and it depends on how you're going to deploy the app and what each version is for. But the idea is that these different versions have a shared code base, and then they have distinctions between them, and the distinctions could be different app IDs, different code paths, or even different versions of a library, such as in-app purchasing. These are called build variants. And you'll see that there's a build variants window and a tab down in the lower left corner to get to it. By default, a new app has two build variants, a debug variant and a release variant. But you can define your own dimensions, that is, how you're going to define the variants, and then within dimensions, you can define multiple flavors. You define these in the…
