From the course: Android Studio Essential Training

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Commit and push source code changes

Commit and push source code changes

From the course: Android Studio Essential Training

Commit and push source code changes

- [Instructor] As you make changes to your application, you'll want to reconcile those with your GitHub repository. That process is called committing your changes, and then pushing them to the remote branch. Before you make changes, you want to make sure that your local and remote repositories are in sync with each other, and the easiest way to do that is to go to the menu and choose, Git, pull. Say that you want to pull everything from the origin branch, that's remote, to your local branch, which could be master or main. Click pull, and then any remote changes will be pulled down to your local repo. In this case, that change involved pulling down the README file that I created on the website. Now I'm going to make a change to my application. I'll go to the Android scope in the project window, and I'll open the biuld.gradle file. This is the file that's associated with the app module, not the project. This file contains…
