From the course: Android Studio Essential Training

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Create an app with Jetpack Compose

Create an app with Jetpack Compose

- [Instructor] Android Studio Arctic Fox supports a new programming paradigm for Android apps called Jetpack Compose. This is a code-based approach to building user interfaces, and you can get started easily with Jetpack Compose by creating a new application that uses an activity template for this style of coding. To demonstrate this, I'll create a brand new project, and then I'm going to create it from the empty Compose Activity template. I'll give this a name of Jetpack Compose and create it. When you create an application that uses Jetpack Compose, you won't have XML layout files. Instead, your user interface is completely built with code. So in this main activity class, I have an onCreate function and it's calling a function called setContent. That in turn is creating something called a Jetpack Compose theme, and then a surface, which is what the user sees, and then there's a call to a function here, Greeting. The…
