From the course: AutoCAD 2023 Essential Training

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New layers and the layer drop-down menu

New layers and the layer drop-down menu - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD 2023 Essential Training

New layers and the layer drop-down menu

- [Instructor] Once again, we're staying in our ground floor plan rev5.dwg file. And I just want to take you into layers and the layer dropdown menu a bit more because we haven't really touched on those in any depth in this particular AutoCAD essential training course yet. Now, when you draw things in your AutoCAD drawings, you're obviously things on differing layers so that you can obviously distinguish one object from another. So for example, you can see there that it's very easy to distinguish the dimensions and the grid lines and also the stairs and the doors and so on. So what we're going to do is go to the home tab on the ribbon, and we're going to jump into the layer property palette first of all. Now there's a lot of information in here. You can see that there's lots of different tools and things available too. Now, the important things are the layers in the layer properties manager, so there's our layers…
