From the course: Outlook 2016 Essential Training

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Using filters and the People pane

Using filters and the People pane

- Outlook has a few neat options to quickly find an email that's different than directly searching for it. The first way is by using filters. From the home ribbon tab, I can select filter email on the top right-hand side of the screen. This is a very quick way to filter my inbox based on certain criteria. For example, I can only view unread messages or I can only view messages that have attachments. I could also filter the view by date. I can only see today's mail, mail that came in yesterday, this week, last week, and so on. I can view any messages that have been categorized, and we'll learn how to use those later, messages that are flagged, messages that are high priority, and I can also click more filters to get a more extensive list of fields that I can filter by. I'm going to hover my mouse over this week and choose today's mail. This is a great filter to use at the end of the day to make sure you haven't missed any important messages. When you're done with your filter, you can…
