From the course: Outlook 2016 Essential Training

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Chairing a meeting

Chairing a meeting

- When you call a meeting to order, you'll want to be prepared with who's coming and who can't make it. You also might want to make changes to the agenda or even call off the meeting entirely. Let's get into our meeting by double clicking on it on the Calendar view. It's going to bring up the meeting and immediately at the top, I can see the amount people that have accepted, tentatively accepted, or declined the meeting. The first thing I want to do is find out who's accepted and who hasn't. I'll click Tracking. It's going to change to a new window. I can see who my optional attendees are and my required attendees. I can see the Response status on the right hand side. For example, two people have accepted so far, including the conference room. Since I'm the meeting organizer, I don't need to respond, and there's two people that haven't responded. I can send out an email to all of these people or just certain people. To send an email to everybody, I'll select Contact Attendees and…
