From the course: Outlook 2016 Essential Training

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Creating a new contact group

Creating a new contact group

- Outlook also has the ability for you to create groups. That is a named list that contains many email addresses. When you address a new email you can also send out the email to the group name. So everyone who's on the list gets the message. In your contacts, create a new contact group by selecting new contact group. The first thing you need to do is give your group a name, I'll call this one Executive Team. Now I need to add members to the group. I can click add members, I can choose to add members from my Outlook contacts. That is all the people we added in the last video. From my companies address book or I can create a new email contact. I don't have to already have somebody in my contacts in order to add them to a group. I'll choose from Outlook contacts. Here's where I can see all my executive members. I can highlight their name and click members on the bottom left hand side to add them to my team list. I'll add Dahlia, Leslie and Jonathan, I'll click ok and their added to my…
