From the course: Outlook 2016 Essential Training

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Changing the look of the calendar

Changing the look of the calendar

- Let's go over customizing the calendar view options. I showed you in the last video how you can use the zoom slider on the bottom right hand side of the screen to make the time slots bigger or smaller. You can also gain some screen real estate by minimizing the Folder pane. I can click the arrow to the right of the date picker to minimize the Folder pane. It's going to make my calendar much bigger and it will fill the screen. At any time I can bring this date picker back by clicking the arrow to expand it. I can then click the pushpin to keep it there. From the Home ribbon tab, I can choose how my calendar is arranged. It defaults to Week View, meaning I can see Sunday through Saturday. However, I can change it. I can put it on Work Week view, which will show me Monday through Friday, Day view, which gives me an overview of the current day, Month view, which shows me my entire month, and finally, Schedule View. I'm going to put it back on Work Week view. While in any of these views,…
