From the course: Outlook 2016 Essential Training

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Responding to a meeting invitation

Responding to a meeting invitation

From the course: Outlook 2016 Essential Training

Responding to a meeting invitation

- Soon or later, you're also going to be invited to other people's meetings. There's a few ways that you can respond to them. I'm in my calendar right now and I can see I have a meeting invitation because this Landon new hire guide review entry is light and it's tentative. And if I hover my mouse over it, I can see that Leslie is the organizer and I haven't accepted it yet. I could double-click on it, or single-click on it, and from the ribbon toolbar I could choose to accept, tentatively accept it, or decline it. I'll tell you what those things mean in a few moments because the common way that you'll be accepting or rejecting meetings is in your mail file. You'll be getting these invitations in your inbox like an email. So let's click Mail on the bottom left hand corner of our inbox and head over to our mail file. This is what it's going to look like. Here's our meeting request from Leslie. I can tell it's a meeting request because there's a calendar icon directly in the subject line…
