From the course: Outlook 2016 Essential Training

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Creating a new contact

Creating a new contact

- In the last video, I showed you how to navigate the People Hub and switch between views. Let's create a contact now. In the Contacts area, and I got here by selecting the People Hub in the bottom left hand corner of the screen, select New Contact. It's going to open up a large card and I can input as much or as little as I know about that contact. I can add a second email address if I have one by clicking the pull down beside the email address and selecting a new one. I can do the same for phone numbers. I can change which type of phone number it is that I'm creating for that contact. I can also put in the address. I can click Map It to pull up a map of the contact's address and I can click inside the Notes field and add any personal notes about this contact. As you can see, as I'm typing, a business card appears on the top right hand side. I can even select Categorize and add a category to a contact, just like we did with mail messages. Finally, I can click on the Picture icon to…
