From the course: Outlook 2016 Essential Training

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Opening other calendars

Opening other calendars

- If I'm frequently creating meetings with the same people, or if I have employees that work under me and I need to see their schedules, I can open their calendars right from my computer. I'm in the calendar now, and on the left hand side underneath my calendar, I can already see Leslie's here because she's added me as a delegate for her calendar. I'm going to hover my mouse on this horizontal line and click and drag up, so that we can see this area a little bit more clearly. If somebody hasn't added me as a delegate, however, I can still open their calendar. From the "Home" ribbon tab in the calendar, click "Open Calendar" and then choose "From Address Book." I could also choose "From Internet" and open up a URL based calendar. For now, though, I'll click "Address Book" and I'm prompted with my company address book. For this purpose, I'm going to choose Leslie again, click "Calendar" and then click "OK." It's going to open up in the "Shared Calendars" area on the left hand side, and…
