From the course: Visio Desktop: Tips and Tricks

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Zoom and position the drawing page

Zoom and position the drawing page

From the course: Visio Desktop: Tips and Tricks

Zoom and position the drawing page

- [Instructor] Two of the most common things you need to do in Visio are to zoom in and out, and to reposition the diagram in the drawing window. The technique I use most often for zooming From Visio's standpoint, it doesn't while rolling the mouse wheel. Let's select the plant on the far left of this floor plan and zoom in with that technique. Notice that the plant disappeared off the screen. If I went to the trouble of selecting the plant and then zooming, it's probably because I want to examine the plant, so this is a case where Visio's default behavior doesn't help me do what I want to do. That's because the Visio default is to zoom around the pointer at our SharePoint list before we link to it from Visio. Let's zoom back out, change the zoom setting, and try that again. Click file, options, and on the advanced page is a setting called center selection unzoom. Click okay, and now let's roll the mouse wheel again. Success, the selected plant remains center stage, no matter how much…
