From the course: Visio Desktop: Tips and Tricks

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- [Scott] Before taking this course, you might have known just enough about Visio to get the job done, or you might have been very proficient at doing certain things, but struggled to move beyond that core set of tasks. My goal for this course has been to help you move past both of those points. If this course has whet your appetite to learn even more about Visio, my first recommendation is to explore the powerful combination of Visio and data. My course called Advanced Visio: Working With Data, also available on this site, is the place to start. You'll learn how to link diagrams to data in Excel, Access, SharePoint, and more, and how to use built-in data graphics to bring data to life. To learn more about Visio in general, please refer to any of my books. They're available in both online and brick and mortar bookstores, or from my website at If you're involved with business processes, please check out Harvard Computing Group's Process Mapping Add-in for Visio at…
