From the course: Visio Desktop: Tips and Tricks

What you should know before watching this course

From the course: Visio Desktop: Tips and Tricks

What you should know before watching this course

- [Instructor] This course features tips and tricks for all recent desktop versions of Visio. Most of the demonstrations were done with the Professional edition of Visio 2016, but unless otherwise noted, the tips apply to all versions of Visio Standard and Professional released in the last decade. They also apply to the desktop component of Visio Plan 2. Depending which version of Visio you have on your system, you might notice a few differences in the location of some buttons on the tabs of the Visio ribbon. However, as a general rule, the Visio design team has done a wonderful job of ensuring user interface consistency across all recent versions of Visio. If you're still running Visio 2010, you'll see a larger number of differences in the layout of tabs on the ribbon and you'll also notice that the color of certain objects, like connection points and the dynamic grid feedback lines is different. The good news, however, is that these videos apply to all desktop versions of Visio starting with Visio 2010. Some of the tips in this course also work in the browser-based versions of Visio that are known as Visio for the Web. For more information about creating Visio diagrams in a browser, please refer to my LinkedIn Learning course titled Learning Visio for the Web and Desktop. Whether you're new to Visio or have been working with it for years, you'll find tips and tricks in this course that will make your use of Visio more efficient.
