From the course: Visio Desktop: Tips and Tricks

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Allign and size shapes on a page

Allign and size shapes on a page

- [Narrator] The enhanced dynamic grid was introduced to Vizio multiple versions ago, and it is great for helping you to align and size shapes as you add them to the page or move them around. It eliminates a lot of nudging and repositioning of shapes afterwards. To see it in action lets start a new diagram from the Basic Diagrams template. I'll click to select the diagram template, and then double-click to launch a new diagram. I'll start by dragging a square onto the page, and notice immediately that whenever the square is near the edges, I get dynamic grid feedback to tell me that. Also if I drag this shape to the center of the page, or the middle of the page, or both, I get feedback to tell me that it's positioned precisely at the center and the middle. I should note that the feedback along the edges of the pages is always there, but the two lines you see on the screen at the moment only appear for the very first shape that you drag onto the page. I'm going to put this square here,…
