From the course: Visio Desktop: Tips and Tricks

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Manage secondary Visio windows

Manage secondary Visio windows

- [Instructor] The drawing window is where you do most of your work in Visio. However, there's a set of optional secondary windows that also play an important role. Some like the shapes window are almost always on the screen. Others, you typically open and close based on what you're doing at the moment. Although the shapes window is normally open you might run into a situation like the one on the screen in which the window's closed, so it's useful to know how to turn it on. The answer is on the view tab, click task panes and then shapes. With the shapes window open you see all of the currently available stencils for creating new shapes in a diagram. There are several ways to resize the shapes window that can be important depending on the size of your drawing and the size of your monitor. The task was actually a little bit easier in Visio 2010 because there was a visible border between the shapes window and the drawing…
