From the course: Visio Desktop: Tips and Tricks

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Navigate page to page with hyperlinks

Navigate page to page with hyperlinks

From the course: Visio Desktop: Tips and Tricks

Navigate page to page with hyperlinks

- [Instructor] One of the ways to move from page to page in a Visio diagram is to create navigation shapes, shapes that contain links to other pages. I happen to be using Visio 2013 for this demo, but the technique is the same in other Visio versions. Let's drag a new shape onto the page. Zoom in. I add some text to the shape, just for the sake of having something on the shape. But more importantly, let's right click, choose hyperlink, and add the link. The non-obvious key to creating page-to-page hyperlinks is the sub address field. By putting a name in that field, you'll create a link to that page. I can either type the name, or in this case, I'll click browse, and use the dropdown list that appears to select page seven, say. Click okay. I'm going to add some text to the description field. This isn't required, but this is text that, you'll see in just a second, pops up when the user hovers over a shape that contains a hyperlink. Click okay, and sure enough, when I hover, go to page…
