From the course: Learning Visual Studio Code

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Running auto-detected tasks

Running auto-detected tasks

Software development processes often involve running external tools to perform various operations, such as compilations, linting, and other build-related tasks. VS Code includes a feature called task that lets you execute many of these processes and view their results without leaving the application. This helps you both automate repetitive operations as well as reduce context switches when jumping between different applications. You can create your own custom task, but there are several popular task runners that VS Code will auto-detect and let you execute from inside the application with little or no additional configuration. That's what I'm going to show you in this movie. npm is the Node Package Manager and supports running different scripts defined in a file named package.json. I'm going to add one to my project and show you how VS Code uses it. I'll first open a terminal. I already have Node.js installed on my computer. I can create a new package.json file on my project with all…
