From the course: Learning Visual Studio Code

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Working with remotes

Working with remotes

Git is a distributed source control system. You could use it to just manage local projects, but its real power is in how it allows you to work with other developers by connecting to remote repositories. You can connect to remotes and push and pull code changes, all from inside Visual Studio Code. In the previous movie, I initialized a new local Git repository for my website project. I now want to connect it to a new empty remote repository I've already created on my GitHub account. On the source control panel, I'll click the three dots to open the More Actions menu. From there, I'll come down to the remote submenu and click "Add Remote." That opens a pop-up at the top, where I can specify a repository URL or choose a repository source. I'll choose to add a remote from GitHub. If you haven't authenticated VS Code to GitHub, you'll be prompted to log in. I've already done that, so after a couple of seconds, I'm shown a list of repositories in my account. The empty repository I created…
