From the course: Learning Visual Studio Code

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Resolving merge conflicts

Resolving merge conflicts

If you're working with a team of developers, you'll almost certainly encounter merge conflicts from time to time as you try to integrate your code with other changes made at the same time on a different branch. I want to show you how to use tools built into VS Code to help you quickly resolve those conflicts. I'm going to start by making a couple of changes to the index.htm file. I've already made a couple of changes to this file that currently only exist in the remote repository. I'm going to make changes to the same lines here in my local repo to force a merge conflict. I'm first going to change the heading on Line 26. Instead of explore California, I'll change it to explore our beautiful state. A little further down on Line 30, I'll change "Where do you want to explore?" to "What do you want to explore?" On the source control panel, I'll click the plus sign to stage those changes and then add a commit message and click the commit button. I'll now attempt to merge in changes from…
