From the course: Learning Visual Studio Code

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Additional editor functionality

Additional editor functionality - Visual Studio Code Tutorial

From the course: Learning Visual Studio Code

Additional editor functionality

VS Code extensions are not limited to just additional themes and programming languages. They can also add new features to either integrate tasks you might normally perform outside your code editor, or add entirely new functionality you just wouldn't have otherwise. The best way to browse what's available is to click the "Filter" button I showed you earlier just to the right of the extension search box. On the pop-up menu, click "Category." I've already shown you the options here for themes and programming languages, but there are lots of other categories to explore that may include functionality you would find helpful for the types of applications you work on. I can't show you every extension or even every category of extension in this course, but I will quickly demonstrate one for you just to give you a sense of what's possible. The demo project I'm using in the course is a basic static website. It would be nice if I could run that on a local web server and immediately see my changes…
