From the course: Learning Visual Studio Code

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Creating terminal profiles

Creating terminal profiles

Terminal profiles lets you configure what shell you want to run in your terminals and how they'll look in the terminal group inside VS Code. I've already got the settings.json file I was previously working on open here in my editor. I'll also open a new terminal and show you how we can get started creating custom terminal profiles. I'll click on the dropdown arrow in the top right corner of the terminal panel. From here, I'm going to click "Select Default Profile." That brings up a list at the top with the profiles currently available, and I could now click on one of them to set it as my default profile. However, notice that they each have a little gear icon to the right of them. Clicking one of those will let me create a new profile based on the one already in place, and will copy all of my profile configurations to my settings.json file so I can make changes to any of them. One important thing to note is that terminal profiles are platform-specific. Different operating systems have…
