From the course: Learning Visual Studio Code

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Using the terminal

Using the terminal

The terminal is one of the most commonly used tools for many software developers, probably second only to their editors. Therefore, it makes sense that the Visual Studio Code team decided to build a terminal right into the application. This cuts down on application switching, and the tight integration provides some nice benefits you won't get when working with an external terminal. As you might expect, there are quite a few ways to open the terminal in VS Code. Probably, the most obvious is to go to the terminal menu and select "New Terminal." Another option is to go to the View menu and select "Terminal." I personally find myself primarily using the keyboard shortcut associated with this command. It's Ctrl backtick, which will toggle the terminal in and out of view. I'll just click on this menu option now since I already have the menu open. By default, the terminal opens in its own panel at the bottom of the screen. I'm on a Windows machine, and by default, that runs PowerShell…
