From the course: Learning Visual Studio Code

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Configuring settings

Configuring settings

There is a nearly limitless number of settings you can customize to your liking in VS Code. I can't begin to show you all of them here, but I will show you a few ways to discover what's available and a couple of ways to apply your preferences. I'll start by opening the command palette. I'll search for the word "settings." Notice in the search results that you can edit both user and workspace settings. You can also edit each of those directly in a JSON file or in a traditional user interface. I'm going to start with user settings in the traditional UI. From here, I can scroll through the available settings in the middle of the screen, or expand and click on different sections here on the left to jump to different groups of settings. Another useful option is the search box near the top. You don't have to know the exact name of the setting you're looking for. For example, I'll type the word "font" into the box. That immediately filters the settings to just those that have something to do…
