From the course: Learning Program Management

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Program quality management

Program quality management

- What does quality cost us? If it's cheaper than what we paid for, then we see the value. What if it costs us more? Let's look at how we manage quality within a program, how we define quality and how it is measured. You can say that quality is the value your stakeholders are willing to pay for. Taking into account what the stakeholders require, the program manager needs to plan for meeting quality standards, first in the program definition and then within the benefits delivery phase, together with the projects. When the project managers are busy creating their deliverables or their output, the program manager spends a fair amount of time controlling the project output to make sure that the quality holds. There's no quality in the program closure because quality never ends. The program manager needs to make sure that the benefits continue after the program closes. Otherwise, the stakeholders feel that the benefits…
