From the course: Learning Program Management

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Other supporting governance activities

Other supporting governance activities

From the course: Learning Program Management

Other supporting governance activities

- Who do you call when you need help as a program manager? The primary source of support will be found within the program management office or PMO. This department might be part of where the portfolio is managed and will have established a standard of how a program should be run. What else do we find within a program management office? Any templates used by the programs or project components will be produced and managed there. What about documentation about previous programs and projects? The PMO should manage this information as part of its duties, too. I worked as a program manager where our PMO was communication central. For me, the PMO was a source of information for status of current programs, information on previous programs and any additional resources that I might have needed. So if you have a PMO at your organization be sure to leverage that resource.
