From the course: Learning Program Management

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The relationship between portfolios, programs, and projects

The relationship between portfolios, programs, and projects

From the course: Learning Program Management

The relationship between portfolios, programs, and projects

- What is the common driver of portfolios, programs and projects. Let's describe how these three areas connect to each other and how they are different. For starters, organizational strategy drives portfolios programs, and projects. The portfolio manager has a close link to the executives within a corporation. Why? She is the first point of contact to align the strategy with the programs and projects, which make up the portfolio content. Who selects and staffs the programs and projects? Yes, it's the portfolio manager. She needs to make sure the entire portfolio brings value and that the organization is investing its money wisely. Program management groups two or more projects together that aim to achieve the same deliverables. A deliverable is basically the benefits that you expect at the end of the exercise. If programs are a collection of projects delivering common value, does every project need to belong to a…
