From the course: Learning Program Management

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Individual roles in program governance and their functions

Individual roles in program governance and their functions

From the course: Learning Program Management

Individual roles in program governance and their functions

- It's one thing to know what a Program Governance Board is, but who is actually involved? The first position we will look at is that of a Program Sponsor, who is in fact the main person who is accountable for the program. Why? The Program Sponsor has most likely put together the justification for the program, the form of a program business case, and has the final word on the program. For example, let's assume a change to the program scope needs to be made, so the Program Manager puts together the change request and presents the request to the Program Governance Board. In case the board does not come to an agreement whether to approve the change request or not, it is the Program Sponsor's view that has the most weight. The rest of the board is made up of other key stakeholders, and this will be dependent upon the organization, the type of program. Is the program internal or external facing? Those types of conditions.…
