From the course: Learning Program Management

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Program governance board responsibilities

Program governance board responsibilities

From the course: Learning Program Management

Program governance board responsibilities

- Can you ever be done if you haven't defined it? Let's look at how program rules are defined, who defines them, and how they are being followed. Before all that, what is program governance? It's a way of working. We define what a program is supposed to accomplish, how we keep the program on track, and how the organization can provide support to your program. The program governance board is responsible for these tasks and accountable for the program. Now, you might be thinking that the program manager should be accountable for the program. Take a look at this graphic on your screen. The reporting lines tell you who is accountable and who is responsible. The program governance board sits at the top and the program manager reports to this group. They will include the program sponsor and any of the program key stakeholders. The board is accountable for the program success, and the program manager is responsible for…
