From the course: Learning Program Management

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Business value of a program

Business value of a program

- If what you own and what you get are valuable, how does this look for businesses? Organizations are always looking to increase value and this is the driver of their investments. What value does an organization own? We group these assets into two categories, tangible and intangible. A tangible asset would be the money they have, the property they own, and what they produce. An intangible asset is trickier to identify, but is equally as important. Examples of intangible assets are knowledge and brand. They both deliver benefits and have value. Here's another question for you. Can you lose value from something you own? Sure. An organization can lose money, lose knowledge, and the brand can lose its value. When an organization sees this happening, they will go ahead and change their strategy, or at least try to change it. Programs are put together to create value. And the program processes are supposed to ensure that…
