From the course: Learn Animation Production in Blender 2.9

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Finishing the ship animation

Finishing the ship animation

- [Instructor] To work on the bounce of the ship after it lands, we're going to need to go to this control here, that bounce control. So with this, we've got it keyed on frame 400. Recall that we selected everything and put a key frame there at 400. So now we just need to give it a little bit of a bounce. And so as it's coming down, it's going to go down first, and then spring back up above this point right here in the Z axis. So if we hit the N key, we can see the Z axis is at zero here. So let's say that we go forward, I don't know, let's say six frames. Let's just hit the arrow key here and go to 406. And right here, we just need to bring it down. And I think what I'm going to do is just type in something in here. Let's type in -.1 to begin with. And then I can hit the I key, and choose location to insert a key frame. Now, as we go here, I'm going to want to make adjustments a little quicker than having to hit…
