From the course: Learn Animation Production in Blender 2.9

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Creating a test render

Creating a test render

- [Instructor] Well, we're to the point now where I think we can do a test render just to see where we are. If I go back to the render view here and I just want to make sure that everything's the way I want it before we do a test. And I think right here, look at this. The ship comes in and blocks the light. And then, goes through the light, so there's a problem right there. We need to take a look at that. And I don't think that's the sunlight because we angled the sunlight, so it wouldn't come in here. So this is something else, let's take a look at that. It's right there. Right there, it's blocking that light. So, let's go back to our solid view and let's tumble around. And, oh, I don't have the lights in here. Do I have them turned? I haven't turned on in the outliner, but oh, I don't have the overlays turned on, so I need to turn on the overlays and now we can see the light and look at what's happening here. It's…
