From the course: Learn Animation Production in Blender 2.9

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Animating the rocket exhaust

Animating the rocket exhaust

- [Instructor] To set up our object to animate the flame, let's go back to the end of the animation right here and let's go to the layout tab and let's work on it here. Just to clean up the view, I will hide the lights so we don't see those. And all I want to do is just create a new empty object. So if I press Shift + A and go to Empty, we can create an empty in any of these kinds of shapes. Let's do one that's an arrow right here and I will take that and move it up. And let's move it over here. We can scale it up. I'll just hit the S key and scale it up so we can see it a little bit better. And then let's turn it once again in the x-axis, RX90, and it's facing the wrong direction so I'll press the minus key and that'll flip it and then Enter. Okay. So now we have an arrow pointing behind the ship and let's call this a rocket arrow. There we go. Now we want to parent this as well to the engine. We've parented the…
