From the course: Learn Animation Production in Blender 2.9

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Continuing the ship animation

Continuing the ship animation

- [Instructor] All right, let's play through this again and just see where we are. I'll click play here, and I'm going to watch over here in the camera view. Comes in pretty fast and it kind of pauses and turns very slowly, kind of painfully actually. And then it just kind of eases down onto the ground like that. So, not very good yet, but we can certainly improve it. And one of the ways that we can improve that is to kind of see the path that this particular control object is taking. So with this selected, we can come over to the object data properties here and under motion paths, we can come down here and our path type can be in range. We can change it to around frame, but I'm going to keep it in range. And the range that I'd like is this full zero to 500 or one to 500 here. So let's change the end frame to 500. And in terms of the steps, let's change this to 24 frames. So we're getting basically one step per second.…
