From the course: Learn Animation Production in Blender 2.9

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Adding a sun light for the planet

Adding a sun light for the planet - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Learn Animation Production in Blender 2.9

Adding a sun light for the planet

- [Instructor] Well for our planet, I think I want a sunlight. We've got one of those here in blender. I'm going to press shift A and go to light and sun, right here. And then if we take that and move it up, we can see it here. Now, one thing I did do is turn off the overlays. So I need to turn that back on to be able to see it. But the interesting thing about a sunlight is that it really doesn't matter where you put it. It only matters what the rotation of it is, which way it's pointed, because the sunlight assumes that all the light rays from the light are coming from an infinitely wide area and all the rays are parallel. So since it's infinitely wide, it doesn't matter where you put it. It only matters how you rotate it. So we could leave it right here, directly above the landing bay. And we could then turn it. We could, say, rotate it in the y-axis. Actually, let me press control alt Q and go back to our view…
