From the course: IoT Foundations: Standards and Ecosystems

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Standardization development process stages, part 2

Standardization development process stages, part 2

From the course: IoT Foundations: Standards and Ecosystems

Standardization development process stages, part 2

- [Instructor] The next stage consists of committee meetings. During this stage, committees meet to work on and finalize the draft of the standard. Each group that was assigned a task can officially begin its work to develop and write the standards. The committee usually involves working groups, content development team, and professional staff of editors. During the committee meetings, the draft of the standard is discussed and the committee can then comment and vote. Also, the draft is shared with the members of the organization committee. At a national level, committee meetings are open for all interested parties and document drafts are also made available and usually reviewed periodically. In cases where there are an international standards committee working, these documents can be submitted to the international organization for international committee approval.
