From the course: IoT Foundations: Standards and Ecosystems

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IoT components

IoT components

- [Instructor] The IoT has two main components: hardware and software. These components communicate using a wide variety of protocols. Hardware refers to the physical devices that are used to collect and present data, like sensors and actuators, such as temperature, proximity, pressure and human digi sensors. Or hardware devices used to present data, like desktop, computers, tablets and cell phones. And human-machine interfaces for industrial applications. Hardware also includes standard network devices, like routers and switches, as well as the devices used in the application layer or backend applications, such as monitoring, data processing, smart traffic and personal healthcare devices. IoT devices are capable of analog-to-digital conversion, collection and generation of data, remote connection, which means the ability to be controlled over the internet, real-time monitoring, and device safety for data security.…
