From the course: IoT Foundations: Standards and Ecosystems

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Definition of IoT

Definition of IoT

- [Instructor] The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, or I triple E, defines the Internet of Things as a network that connects uniquely identifiable things to the internet. The internet refers to the large category of applications and protocols within the network. The things are basically any device that is capable of connecting to the internet, including smart devices, sensors, daily personal devices, factory machines, and any other entity that's able to communicate with other connected objects. Information about the things can be collected, and their states can be changed from anywhere, anytime by anything. This also includes people who operate the devices, and use the applications. So the relationship is, people to people, people to things and things to things. IoT as a concept is simply connecting devices or things to the internet and or to each other. IoT en campuses the following…
