From the course: IoT Foundations: Standards and Ecosystems

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IoT industrial example: Smart factory

IoT industrial example: Smart factory

- [Instructor] With the use of industrial IoT, factories are now faster, smarter and more efficient. Every aspect of the manufacturing process is monitored, evaluated and enhanced through the use of industrial IoT. In a smart factory, we have sensors and devices that communicate with each other. Data are exchanged in real time using secure network connections. Monitors are used within the field or in controlled rooms, or remote monitoring using wireless communication. The data generated from these sensors are collected, then transferred and stored in the cloud or data center for monitoring and performing data analysis. The data analysis helps in sensing out-of-spec conditions. An example if the temperature of a piece of equipment exceeds specifications, the sensor can detect this and send a signal to stop breakdowns before they occur. Data analysis also helps introducing scheduled maintenance. Machines used in…
