From the course: How Do I Do That in After Effects

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How can I arrange and align layers in After Effects?

How can I arrange and align layers in After Effects? - After Effects Tutorial

From the course: How Do I Do That in After Effects

How can I arrange and align layers in After Effects?

- Another technique to be aware of is alignment. Now, alignment means that the images are properly aligned, maybe using the bottom edge or the centers. Additionally, you can use distribution if you want to evenly distribute something over a set space. Both of these are built into the same tool. Let's start by opening up 5, 3 Align Start. Here we've got some different icons from an old school tape deck, and I want them to be better aligned. So I'll select all the layers, and go to the alignment panel. It's there under window align. You may already have it open here. Just click to expand. Now, what you can do is tell them to align based on selection. I could align to the top edge or the bottom edge for example. Additionally, we can evenly distribute these. So I see the ability here to distribute the selection, and now it created an even gap between them all. These sort of tools are really quite useful.…
