From the course: HDR Photography: Shooting and Processing

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Reducing noise and correcting chromatic aberrations

Reducing noise and correcting chromatic aberrations

From the course: HDR Photography: Shooting and Processing

Reducing noise and correcting chromatic aberrations

Earlier I mentioned that it's not always possible to get to an absolute complete finished image in your HDR merging software, no matter what that software is. So while you can get your merge done, get your deghosting done, get your tone mapping the way that you want it, very often there are still things that will need to be done in your image editor. And in this chapter we are look at what those things might be, both correcting problems in an image and aesthetic changes to the image to finish it and complete it and make it into a nice final product. We are going to start in this movie by looking at noise reduction and the elimination of chromatic aberrations. So we are well in the realm of simple mechanical fixes. Just things that need to be done regardless of what your aesthetic is. You should have worked with these images earlier. These were the boys that had the ghosting problem. I have merged this image and deghosted it Photomatix, which we did in movie 05_11. If you didn't do…
