From the course: HDR Photography: Shooting and Processing

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Using the exercise files

Using the exercise files

If you are a premium subscriber to lynda .com or you have bought the DVD, well, I'd just personally like to thank you, but also I'd like to tell you that you're in luck, because you should have access to a folder of exercise files for this course. So if you are a Premium subscriber, if you are accessing this course online, download this folder. If you have it off of the DVD, copy this to your desktop or documents folder, just somewhere where you know where it is where you can get to it easily. Inside you'll find separate folders for each chapter and in each chapter you will find a whole bunch of, in this case, images. Tthese are all are all RAW files. Most of these raw files were shot with a Cannon 5D Mark II, and we will be working a lot with these in Photoshop, Photoshop CS5. Even if you've got CS5, you should probably get the latest version of Photoshop Camera RAW, which you can get from Adobe's website for free at So it's a good idea to get that updated and that will…
